The Facilities and Infrastructure Provision for Tourism Development in Semangat Gunung Village, Merdeka District, Karo Regency
This study aims to determine and analyze how the provision of facilities and infrastructure, and what factors that support and hinder the development of tourism in Semangat Gunung village (SGV), Merdeka district, Karo regency. Descriptive research with a qualitative approach was employed as the design of research. This research took place in Semangat Gunung village, Merdeka district, Karo regency. This research was conducted from April to June 2019. The data were collected through field research by using interview. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the provision of facilities and infrastructure in the development of tourism in SGV is fairly complete although some of them such as public facilities and infrastructure must be renewed. Furthermore, the factors that influence the provision of facilities and infrastructure in the development of tourism in the village include supporting factors, namely socio-cultural, political and partnership networks. On the other hand, inhibiting factors include lack of awareness, lack of coordination, and lack of funding.
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