Effects of Cultural Capital in Communication of E-Commerce Sale Stock Ads
Advertisement is a product of cultural media which is seen as a medium of hegemony and standardization of society. Sale Stock, online shopping app, showing an advertisement to the public that the author predicted as a product of capitalism media that builds simulations and standardizes Indonesian women's lives. The research aims to examine the influence of audience’s cultural capital on two things, the perception form of perfectly beautiful woman concept which is delivered by advertisements and the interest of the audience in shopping practices using the e-Commerce Sale Stock application. The study used 65 respondents with differences in sex, age, level of education, type of work, and marital status. The study used data obtained through Google form questionnaire and analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the audience’s cultural capital combined with the process of decoding - encoding was able to change the meaning of the message in Sale Stock ad which distributed by the producer to the reader. It affects the audience’s thought towards the perfect beautiful woman concept which was delivered by the Sale Stock ad. The audience’s cultural capital also proved to influence the success of advertising in encouraging the audience to practice online shopping practices using the e-Commerce Sale Stock application. The Sale Stock ad is not only present as a promotional media and an invitation to use Sale Stock products, but also as a capitalist media product that is present as media forming of stereotypical lifestyle, profession and obligation, status, and simulation of Indonesian women's lives by consuming and generate profits for the producer.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1198
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