Authorization Entities (Legal Guarantee Review)
The guarantee agreement for guarantee rights is flexible to be implemented, it does not have to be carried out alone by the party that guarantees it. If represented, it is made in the form of SKMHT that must be made in a notarial deed or PPAT deed. If it follows the provisions in Article 15 of the UUHT, credit is a daily necessity for the community both in the context of meeting consumption needs and in terms of doing business in various business fields, compared also with bank credit contracts as stated by Kevin Kogin. Today's business transactions move quickly and increasingly involve all elements of society as a business. The ultimate purpose of the prohibition of the Power of Attorney Imposing Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) as a special power of attorney is to provide legal protection to creditors. SKMHT is a special power of attorney that can only be controlled by the direct power of attorney because it is only related to the power of making APHT with a creditor in the presence of PPAT. If the power of attorney is substituted, it will make creditors difficult if there is a dispute to conduct legal relations because there are too many parties to be able to connect directly with the debtor. In addition, if it is substituted, the creditor will lose his rights and position as the preferred creditor to the receivables that have been given to the debtor.
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