Construction of Relative Clause in Indonesian Language
Researchers are interested in the study of the syntactic typology of language. There is one problem in this research, namely how the types of constituents and the structure of Indonesian relative clauses. Words/phrases greatly affect the presence of relative clauses as constituent extension or explanation clauses. The constituents explained by the relative clauses certainly have a relationship that is in accordance with the meaning of the constituents. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data source used is native Indonesian speakers. The data of this study are sentences containing relative Indonesian clauses. Data collection techniques used in this study are collaboration techniques with informants and questionnaire techniques. Data analysis method used is the method of sharing with lingual units. The analysis technique of this research uses x-bar theory analysis technique which produces a word/phrase structure into a tree diagram of the whole sentence/clause. The conclusion of the results of this study is the type of constituents that can be expanded with relative clauses. As well as the patterns produced by the construction. The results of this study are expected to update previous research relating to the relative clauses of the Indonesian language.
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