Assessment of Perceived Discrimination and Self-esteem Among Students of Manjo Ethnic Background in Schools and Colleges of Bonga Town
The objective of this study was assessing perceived discrimination and self-esteem among Manjo students. Descriptive and co-relational survey design was employed to investigate the issues. One hundred twelve students from schools and college were included on the principles of comprehensive sampling for institutions and snowball sampling for participants. Data was collected using close ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview guides. The collected data was analyzed using percentage, mean, Pearson correlation, independent test, and one-way ANOVA for quantitative information while thematic analysis was used for qualitative information. The results show that a) there was significant variation on mean self-esteem across different grade levels (F (2, 109) =11.68 at P<0.05), and age groups (F (2, 109) =35.00 at p<0.05), b) SE has significant positive relation with age (r=.588), grade level (r=.740), SES (r=.419), and PD (r= 0.26), c) there was no mean variation between male and female participants in SE (t (110) =1.33, P>0.05) and PD (t (110) = -0.598, P>0.05).
Nearly all respondents (95.5%) believed that they are socially discriminated by non-Manjo people both inside and outside the school compound which includes disgrace, segregation, neglect, mock, receiving negative ethnic proverbs, insult, discouragement, being called by nick name, physical abuse, harassment, and beat were found as major discriminative behaviors frequently faced. Also, respondents (91%) perceive that they are socially discriminated because of being a member Manjo ethnic group which is given unjustified negative stereotypes. On the basis of findings and discussions, it is concluded that social discrimination still exists in the area mainly caused by shared stereotype and prejudice. Finally, on the basis of findings and conclusions implications for future directions on alleviating the existing situations are forwarded.
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