Political Mediatization of Blasphemy News
The independence of media after the reformation era in Indonesia was followed by the rise of the new media from various ownership backgrounds. Partisan media emerged as a means of delivering political messages to the public. Metro TV and TV One are two national television medias with different objectives, the direction of reporting and ownership. The case of religious blasphemy by Ahok in 2016 is inseparable from the political conditions in Jakarta which at the time held DKI Jakarta Governor Election 2017. The different framing of coverage of this case broadcasted by Metro TV and TV One indicated that there were many political messages veiled in order to achieve the goals of certain parties. The political mediatization shown by these two media by their power in directing the public and political institutions in following the logic of the media. The power of media ownership that has the of political parties background, ultimately eroded the independence and neutrality of the media itself. The political interests become important objectives thus overriding the interests of the public in getting information. The sustainability of media operations was supported by media capitalism becomes an endless economic target. Advertising from various sources are contested as a source of income for media. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study of news on a blasphemy case by Ahok on Metro TV and TV One.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1452
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