The Effect of Peer Atachment and Tolerance on Social Competence In Adolescents
This study aims to examine the effect of peer attachment and tolerance simultaneously and separately on social competence among adolescents. This research employed a quantitative ex-post facto design, which was conducted in the city of Yogyakarta involving 364 adolescents as sample, consisting of 190 females and 174 males. Data were collected through adaptation of SSRS-R for social competence scale with 35 items, of IPPA-R for peer attachment scale with 25 items and modified TDC for tolerance scale with 13 items. The instrument was validated through content validity and reliability based on Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for social competence with the value of 0.804, Cronbach’s Alpha for peer attachment scale with the value of 0.704 and Cronbach’s Alpha for tolerance scale with the value of 0.690. Data were then analyzed through multiple regression analysis with the result of significance 0.000 (p <0.05). The results show that: (1) there is an effect of peer attachment and tolerance simultaneously on the adolescents’ social competence ; (2) there is an effect of peer attachment on the adolescents’ social competence; and (3) there is an effect of tolerance on the adolescents’ social competence. Therefore, it can be concluded that peer attachment and tolerance affect the adolescents’ social competence. Peer attachment and tolerance can be strong predictors of social competence among adolescents.
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