Fulfillment of Restitution Right of Human Trafficking Crime Victim through Restorative Justice Approach in Criminal Justice System in Indonesia
Fulfillment of restitution for victims of human trafficking through the restorative justice approach in the criminal system of Indonesia is done by making the offender responsible for the restitution. The role of the Public Prosecutor in optimizing the fulfillment of the restitution rights for victims of human trafficking crime can basically be carried out by adopting the concept of the Plea-Bargaining System and Deferred Prosecution Agreement which includes the Victim Impact Statement. However, in the practice of criminal justice, there are still obstacles in the application of restitution rights for victims of human trafficking which can cause obstruction to the law enforcement of human trafficking crime through a victim oriented restorative justice.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1521
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