The Role of Natural Disasters in Human Education from the Perspective of Islam
One of the most important Qur'anic subjects has been the subject of human Tribulation and Trial, the history of which dates back to the time of human creation and is one of the most important divine traditions that God Almighty has set for the cultivation of humanity. The Holy Qur'an repeatedly mentions Tribulation in different ways and in different words. The abundance of verses on the subject of Tribulation indicates the importance of this subject. Natural disasters are a set of harmful events that have no human origin. These events are usually unpredictable or, at least for a long time, cannot be predicted. The natural disasters mentioned in the Qur'an are: floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, lightning, death and life, famine and starvation, locust attacks, frog attacks, loss of property and wealth. When one of the natural disasters occurs in the life of an individual or a group of people, it can have several effects. The training effects of natural disasters are: increasing faith, identifying benefactors, thinking and teaching, increasing patience and perseverance, decreasing arrogance and increasing humility, returning to the right path, increasing thanks-giving, stimulating competition sense, growth and excellence of human to achieve high positions of the hereafter.
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The Holy Qur’an
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