Need Assessment of Mathematics Learning Module Based on Information Technology for Junior High School
This study aims to analyze the need for teaching materials in the form of Flipbook as a media of information technology K-13 mathematics learning for junior high school students in class VIII semester II. The subjects of this research are 27 students of eight grades in Junior High School 2 Sukoharjo. This research is motivated by the limited available teaching materials and lack of innovation in teaching materials, so it tends to make students bored with mathematics. Data collection techniques using non-test with research instruments are a questionnaire that needs analysis and interviews. The analysis consists of 3 stages, namely front-end analysis, student analysis, and teaching material analysis The research findings show that (1) the lack of additional textbooks / other references in learning; (2) have never used learning media and the lack of facilities; (3) teachers and students need information technology-based mathematics teaching media.
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