Concept of Social Studies Curricula in Junior High Schools in Indonesia and Thailand
This research is conducted collaboratively with Thailand, considering that Thailand is a country that has a similar educational level as applied in Indonesia, from early education to college there is no fundamental difference. Thailand is one of the Asian countries that has the key to success in education, one of which is always based on science and technology; so all the products produced are based on research. Besides, Thailand has a good strategy in supporting education that is supporting and maintaining cultural values, so that Thailand becomes a clean country, legal and discipline, and always adheres to the existing ideology and grow in Thailand. Living values are strong and in the hearts of the people, and this is what enables living values to thrive among students Thai, making life more alive. While all political affairs submitted to the prime minister. A country's education system can be advanced and qualified but requires a very long and lengthy process, especially in disciplining teachers and students, the teacher in Thailand focuses its work on a full-time task. Regarding education in Thai teachers (kunkru) is a determinant of educational success, which is no different from Indonesia. The main problem in this research is: how the concept and implementation of social studies curricula in junior high schools in Indonesia and Thailand.
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