The Use of Social Media as Learning Tools in the Era of 4.0 for Elementary School
This study aims to analyze and study several studies that identify the use of social media in the primary school domain.This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a discourse analysis approach. The data were taken from research with the same theme and then compared various opinions from experts through in-depth literature studies. This research is the result of research by Ayu Kurnia et al (2019, Istikomariah (2016), Muhammad Fajar et al (2020), and Muhammad Irfan et al. (2020). This research was conducted to examine some of these studies then take the positive aspects in the form of L (1).) Formulation and clear research objectives; (2) The data generated uses official and valid literacy; (3) The research method used in detail; (4) Clear stages of implementing the use of social media; (5) Presenting research results using tables or graphs that are implemented easily; (6) The discussion of research results is carried out with expert opinion; (7) The research conclusion must have advantages and disadvantages in the use of social media in elementary schools. From the research results, this review can be used as new and reinforcing further research with the theme of using social media.
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