The Values of Character Education in the Didong Art Performance: A Study of Enculturation Process in Gayonese Society
This research is promoting the values of Didong as a content supplement to elevating the practice of character education in the current curriculum of Indonesia. The main objective of this research is to describe explicitly the character values of Didong art. The qualitative with socio-historical approach was used as a research approach to finding historically and socially the existence of Didong art. The data were collected through literature review and field observation. The results of the research show that the Didong art came from Central Aceh District, particularly this art exists in the Gayo`s ethnic area. Didong art can be categorized as an indigenous art that consists of the combination of dance, vocal, and literature elements. In its beautiful performance, the Didong art contains character values that derive from the poetic verses of background song and dance motion. The character values of Didong art comprise of religious values, appreciate the achievement, communicative, peacefulness, and social care. These values could be inserted in the educational field, particularly in the practice of character education, in form of content enrichment. The character education is necessary to be developed because of the problem of moral degradation of the young generation. The implementation of character education, which contain the local values such as in the Didong art, would support the people`s personal and social life in the family, friendship, society, as well as in nationhood to achieve the better life in the future.
Keyword: Didong art, Gayonese, character education.
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