Development Model of Basic Technique Skills Training Shot-Put Obrien Style Based Biomechanics Review
The background of this research is the unavailability of learning model of basic technique technique of O'Brien style force that integrated in skill program based on biomechanics study which is used as a reference to build the basic technique skill of the O'Brien style force among students. The purpose of this study is to develop a model of basic-style technique of rejecting the O'Brien-style shot put based on biomechanical studies for beginner levels, including basic prefix technique, glide, final stage, repulsion, further motion and repulsion performance of O'Brien style, all of which arranged in a medium that is easily accessible whenever, by anyone and anywhere, especially in SMK Negeri 1 Kalijambe Sragen .
The research method used is "Reasearch and Developement" approach. "Preliminary studies show that 43.0% of respondents considered that the O'Brien style was very important to be developed with a model of skill-based exercise based on biomechanics, as many as 40.0% ressponden stated that it is important to be developed with biomechanics based learning media. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to develop the learning media of the O'Brien style-based training skills based on biomechanical studies.
Development of media starts from the design of the storyboard and script form that will be used as media. The design of this model is called the draft model. Draft models that have been prepared are reviewed by the multimedia expert and the O'Brien style expert to get the product's validity. A total of 78.24% of experts declare a viable product with some input. In small groups with n = 6, earned value 72.2% was obtained or valid enough to be tested in large groups. In the large group test with n = 12,values obtained 70.83% or quite feasible to be tested in the field.
In the field test, experimental group was prepared with treatment according to media and control group with free treatment. From result of counting of significance test can be interpreted that result of count refuse Ho with count value far above t table value. The results of the basic technique skills of the O'Brien style force increased by 16.0% - 25.0% in the experimental group and 2.0% - 19.0% in the control group. Based on the results of calculating the difference in the final score increase after the final test, showed a greater score difference for the group given the treatment model of the exercise developed by the researcher.
Thus it can be concluded that the use of skills-based learning media biomechanics on the model of learning style of O'Brien style can effectively improve the basic technique skills of the style force O'Brien.
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