Criminal Aspect of Criminal Liability in Corporate Crimes in the Case of Selling and Buying Gold in Surabaya City
The findings showed that based on the root cause of this research problem, the findings of the Antam gold fraud case began in 2018 when Budi said buying gold weighing seven tons with a value of Rp 3.5 trillion from Antam through a broker called Eksi Anggraeni. The gold price is considered lower if purchased directly from Antam. The defendant claimed the lower price was a “discount”, however, after Budi paid the nominal amount according to the agreement, the gold he received only weighed 5,935 tonnes or the equivalent of Antam’s official gold price at that time. In the end, until November 2018, Budi didn’t receive the remaining gold which was agreed upon and caused him to lose Rp.573 billion. The modus operandi offered is through money game motives and behavior with the investment model through e-business.
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