Translation Quality on Words Containing Spelling, Punctuation and Grammatical Error
This study aims to assess the translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability of words that contain spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors that represent the condition of Autism character in Flowers for Algernon novel by Daniel Keyes using an instrument from Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono (2012). This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Data collection is done through document analysis, questionnaire, and FGD. From 309 data found in the study, 303 data (98.05%) were accurately translated and 6 data (1.94%) were translated inaccurately. In terms of acceptability, 177 data (57.28%) were acceptable, 126 data (40.77%) were less acceptable and 6 data (1.94%) were unacceptable. While for readability aspect, 285 data (92,23%) were stated to have high readability, 18 data (5.82%) had medium readability and 6 data (1.94%) had low readability. The average score is 2.81. This score indicates the translation has a good quality of accuracy, acceptability, and readability.
Keywords: Translation Quality, Spelling Error, Punctuation Error, Grammatical Error
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