Human Resources Welfare Management Program in Improving Teacher Performance at Smpit Al-Anis Kartasura
The number of demands carried by teachers, often resulting in teacher performance is not maximal, other things are also influenced by the level of human resource welfare that is not managed properly. The purpose of this study describes the management of human resource welfare programs in improving teacher performance and knowing the performance of teachers after the implementation of welfare programs at SMPIT Al-Anis Kartasura. Research data is the speech of interviews with informants and documents in the form of employee books, salary slips or bookkeeping of basic salaries and benefits. Data collection techniques use observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data source is in the form of interviews with the principal, teacher and treasurer of IT Junior High School Al Anis Kartasura. The results of research on the management of SMPIT Al-Anis Kartasura teacher welfare program were conducted human resources ough financing from students including registration money, monthly money, book money, building money, and annual activity money. Then after the implementation of the human resources welfare program can be said to be effective in improving teacher performance because educators feel responsible in their work and motivated by the applicable compensation.
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