Islam Progressive: Studying the Concept of Progressive Islam of Muhammadiyah
This study raises the concept of Progressive Islam, examines the concept of Progressive Islam of Muhammadiyah, this study aims to determine the concept of Progressive Islam in Muhammadiyah. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that uses historical and philosophical theories using library research methods through sources derived from literature studies. social, religious and educational, in carrying out its movements always refer to its founding principles, namely the Qur'an Surah Ali Imron verses 104 and 110, this movement is a movement with concrete steps that apply the Qur'an SurahAl-Ma'un and Al-Asr, the application of the values contained therein, the concept of Progressive Islamic da'wah that is carried out is to use the concept of community, cultural and Islamic da'wah, which becomes a strategy with maximum results according to what Muhammadiyah aspires to.
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