Game-Based Integrative Thematic Physical Activity Model to Develop Interpersonal Intelligence and Manipulative Movement Skills for Kindergarten Students
This study aims to produce a game-based integrative thematic physical activity model product that is packaged in the form of a guidebook to develop interpersonal intelligence and manipulative movement skills for kindergarten students and determine the feasibility and effectiveness of game-based integrative thematic physical activity models. This research is a development research using the Borg & Gall model which includes ten stages, namely information collection, information analysis, initial product development, expert validation and revision, initial trial (small group product trial), initial product revision, field trial main program (large group trial), operational product trial (effectiveness test), final product manufacture and dissemination and implementation. The subjects of this study were kindergarten students in Central Cilacap District, Cilacap Regency. The trials carried out included two stages, namely a small-scale trial conducted on 10 students and a large-scale trial conducted on 20 students and the effectiveness test was carried out with 10 students. The results of the assessments from material experts and practitioners were analyzed using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and obtained the validity level of animal-themed games 0.91, plant-themed games 0.92, vehicle-themed games 0.91 in the range 0.80-1.00 and shows a high level of validity, then the game-based integrative thematic physical activity model is feasible to use. The results of the small group trial showed that interpersonal intelligence was 3.03 in the "Good" category, while the manipulative movement skills were 13.3 in the "Average" category. The results of the large group trial showed that the interpersonal intelligence of each kindergarten was 3.11 and 3.12 with the "Good" category, while the manipulative movement skills of each kindergarten were 15 with the "High" criteria. The results of the effectiveness test were calculated using a paired sample t test and the results showed that the significance value of interpersonal intelligence and manipulative movement skills was 0.016 and 0.010 respectively less than 0.05, so there was a significant effect of the game-based integrative thematic physical activity model on interpersonal intelligence and manipulative movement skills of kindergarten students.
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