The Influence of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Business Ability on Business Performance: Groups Role as Moderation
This study aims to test and analyze entrepreneurial behavior and business ability on business performance. Examine and analyze the role of groups in moderating the effect of entrepreneurial behavior and business ability on business performance. This type of research is Explanatory Research. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling with the technique taken is saturated sampling (census) with a sample of 154 business actors in the SME Group, Kelud Mandiri Kediri, East Java. The data analysis used in this research is statistical inferential Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the hypothesis test show that Entrepreneurial Behavior and Business Ability have a significant and positive effect on business performance. The role of the group does not moderate the influence of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Business Ability on Business Performance.
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