Development of Novel Learning LKPD Contextual-Based Approach for Class XII High School Students
The purpose of this study is to produce a novel appreciation novel based on a contextual approach and describe its feasibility. This research uses research and development methods or Research and Development (R&D). The research procedure is carried out by adopting three out of ten steps in the research and development procedure according to Borg and Gall so that operational products in the form of LKPD are obtained. This research was carried out through observation, interviews, and questionnaire distribution in two schools in Lampung Province, including SMAN 17 Bandar Lampung and SMAS Tamansiswa Teluk Betung in the 2022/2023 academic year. Product design validation is carried out by relevant experts and peer assessment. The results of research and discussion can be concluded that "LKPD novel appreciation is declared suitable for use by grade XII high school students. The feasibility of the trial results, which were carried out by three teacher assessments (practitioners), namely practitioner I of 91, practitioner II of 9 2, and practitioner III of 90. The average obtained from the three practitioners of 9:1 is in the range of 82-100 values with the decent category.
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