Perceptions of Students and Teachers Toward Guidance and Counseling Services in South West Ethiopia Secondary Schools
The study was intended to examine practices of Perception of Teachers and Students for Guidance and Counseling services in South west Ethiopia Secondary Schools. The research design was a descriptive survey research. The total participants of study were 500 and among total participants 108 were teachers and 394 were students. The study was used Multi stage sampling techniques. At first stage among 78 secondary school in south west Ethiopia, 8 secondary schools were selected by random sampling techniques using lottery methods. On the second stage 392 students and 108 teachers were selected by systematic sampling techniques. The instruments of data collection was Likert scale closed-ended self- administered questionnaire used and validation of the instruments was done by using experts' review and discussion. The study was used quantitative methods of data analysis. The analysis of data was done using descriptive statistical measurements like, percentage, mean, standard division, and independent t-test were computed to analysis the response from students, and teachers. The results of study indicated that the students and teachers mean perception scores to needs of guidance and counseling for students learning was positive. The perceptions of both students and teachers to ward school guidance and counseling services working on students future career, personal problems and students empowerments and decision making was negative. The computed independent t-test result revealed that there was no statistical significant difference between students and teachers means perception scores guidance and counseling services which was implies both teachers and students had the same perception for services of guidance and counseling in their schools. The mean perception of the students toward the non trained individuals could be of guidance and counselor officers were average while perception teachers were negative. Regarding to cost effectiveness of guidance and counseling services both students and teacher’s perception means score were negative. From these results it was recommended that Since perceptions of students and teachers may affected based on the guidance and counseling survives; Education bureau in collaboration with higher educational institutions should prepare on job training to improve counseling skills of the guidance and counselors officers.
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