The Influence of Leader Member Exchange on Innovative Work Behavior (A Study of High School Teachers)
This research aimed to examine the influence of leader-member exchange on innovative work behavior among high school teachers in Bantul Regency. This ex-post facto research used a quantitative approach involving 259 teachers. The instruments used in this study were the scales of leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior. Reliability tests were carried out on several dimensions of LMX. On the affection dimension, the score was 0.741, on the loyalty dimension it was 0.806, on the contribution dimension it was 0.704, and on the professional respect dimension it was 0.729. The score of overall LMX was 0.914, and the score of innovative work behavior was 0.906. According to the overall analysis, leader-member exchange has an influence on innovative work behavior. Furthermore, the partial data analysis has found that: (1) the affective dimension of LMX influences innovative behavior with an influence size of 25.7%. (2) the loyalty dimension of LMX has no effect on innovative work behavior. (3) the contribution dimension of LMX influences innovative work behavior with an influence size of 5.1%. (4) the professional respect dimension of LMX does not affect innovative work behavior.
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