Improving Reading Comprehension and Writing Achievements of the Eighth Grade Students Through Generating Interaction Between Schemata and Text (GIST) Strategy
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of (Generating Interaction between schemata and Text) GIST strategy in enhancing the students’ achievement in reading comprehension and writing. This study applied quasi-experimental method with nonequivalent pretest-posttest groups’ design. Forty two students were selected as the sample. They were divided equally into experimental and control groups. Reading and writing tests were used to collect the data. Paired and independent sample t-test, and linear regression were applied to analyze the data. The result showed that GIST strategy improves the students' achievement in most aspects of reading comprehension and writing. However, GIST strategy does not give the significant improvement to the students’ achievement in inference aspect of reading comprehension and developing ideas aspect of writing. It implies that English teacher should use the strategy more carefully to improve all the aspects of reading comprehension and writing, especially the inference aspect of reading and the developing ideas aspect of writing.
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