The Meaning of Nasionalism of Urban Students, Interpretive study of State Defense in South Jakarta
Student nationalism, especially in urban areas, is often questioned by many because of the emergence of cases that indicate low nationalism such as not memorized Indonesian Raya songs and the text of Pancasila. With the aim of obtaining comprehensive information about nasionalism of urban students, the study was conducted using a qualitative methode with case study approach. Taking locus in four senior high schools that located in South Jakarta, studies use FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and in-depth interviews as data collection methods; whereas for analysis used the theory of Social Construction (Berger and Luchmann, 1990). The results of the study show that students meaning of nationalism (in abstract form) interpreted the same and relatively good. Confirming Berger and Luckmann Theory that the meaning of facts or reality (that called by Berger as knowledge) is influenced by individual interaction with facts or reality, the study show that meaning of nationalism (in concrete form) understood differently by the students that strongly influenced by intervention activities that received (interaction or experience the student with the fact). SMAN 34 that have good rank school (number two in South Jakarta) and students generally get many experience with national and international scale activities wether competitions or upgrading), the students tends to link nationalism with achievement and interpret nasionalism as a serious effort, to be professional and inovative, to be creative, and become excellent students. SMA Suluh where scout as one of flagship activities, the student meaning of nationalism tends related with marching activities, following the ceremony solemnly, and respecting the flag. While in SMAN 97 that concern with developing moral of student activities, the students tends to link the meaning of nationalism with moral values such as honesty and responsibility. SMAN 109 that tends not to provide enough space for students to interact with many other activities which can develop their nationalism, condition rather different. The students interpret nationalism in a non-pattern form. The limited fact (experience) received (obtained) by students from school causes them use their own personal experiences that obtained from their interactions with facts outside of school such as the experience of interacting with facts in the family and peer groups as a reference source. That is why there is no pattern in their meaning of nationalism. Other results, there are three factors that influence the meaning of student nationalism, namely: a). Students involvement with programs related with development nationalism of students in schools, b). learninng material of PPKN c). interaction students with discourse of nationalism in school (i.e in school organization) and out side of school (in family, peer groups, and internet).
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