Juridical Analysis on the Effectiveness of Customary Court Mukim in Resolving Customary Disputes in Sabang City
This research aims to explain and analyze the effectiveness of the Mukim customary court in resolving customary disputes in Sabang City, located in the Aceh Province. The study employs an empirical juridical approach, utilizing literature review and interviews with respondents and informants. The study's location includes Mukim Sabang, Mukim Iboih, Mukim Ie – Meulee, and Mukim Balohan. The findings indicate that although the Mukim customary judicial system is supported by a robust legal framework, such as Law No. 11 of 2006 on Aceh Governance, Aceh Qanun No. 10 of 2008 on Customary Institutions, Qanun No. 4 of 2003 on Mukim Governance, and specifically, Sabang City Qanun No. 6 of 2010 on Mukim Governance, the Mukim customary court in Sabang City has not been operating effectively. Several factors contribute to this, including the lack of public awareness of the existence of the Mukim customary court, poor coordination between village and Mukim officials, inadequate facilities and infrastructure within the Mukim government, and difficulties encountered by the Mukim customary court in resolving disputes. Therefore, the support and involvement of the Sabang City local government are necessary to improve the effectiveness of the Mukim customary court, especially concerning the role of Mukim in resolving customary disputes by providing sufficient facilities and infrastructure to the Mukim in Sabang City. Additionally, attention should be given to the Sabang City Customary Assembly as the supervisory body for Mukim customary law, to better oversee the customary laws and their developments in Sabang City.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i9.6199
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