Creative Strategies to Drive Brand Awareness (Case of “Forever Against Animal Testing Campaign” The Body Shop Indonesia)
Currently cosmetics have become a lifestyle, especially for women all over the world. The body shop Indonesia is one of the retail cosmetics company engaged in a whole series of beauty products made from natural ingredients. Furthermore, this cosmetic company does not contain animal element, which make their product safe to be consumed by the public. This research focus on the creative strategy campaign that The Body Shop Indonesia used to increase their brand awareness, which is the “Forever against Animal Testing Campaign”. The aim of this research is to find out how creative strategy conducted by The Body Shop Indonesia drives their brand awareness. This research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data from in-depth interview, participation observation, and literature study. This research shows that the “Forever against Animal Testing Campaign” by The Body Shop Indonesia provide many detail information about animal testing on cosmetic product. Since this kind of information was being delivered through The Body Shop Indonesia’s ad, people become more aware about the Body Shop brand and they also aware about the messages of animal testing in cosmetic product. In order word, it is shown that through this campaign, The Body Shop Indonesia was being able to increase their brand awareness.
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