Evaluation of the Role of Graphic Design in Branding the Cilacap Regional Government: Literature Study

Yolandita Angga Reza


This study aims to evaluate the role of graphic design in branding efforts carried out by the Cilacap local government, with a focus on the effectiveness of visual elements in building regional identity. Graphic design plays an important role in conveying regional messages and values through visual elements such as logos, slogans, and other promotional materials. Through the literature study method, this study collected data from official local government documents, visual promotional materials, and literature related to graphic design and regional branding. The research findings show that the graphic design applied in Cilacap, such as the "Cilacap Bercahaya" logo, has been effective in depicting the potential of the region, but there are still challenges in terms of consistency in design application and the quality of promotional materials. This study recommends improvements in design consistency across platforms, improving the quality of promotional materials, and wider socialization of the importance of regional branding to the community. Thus, Cilacap can strengthen its visual identity, increase competitiveness, and attract more tourists and investors.


Keyword: Graphic Design Elements, Regional Branding Strategy, Cilacap Regional Government, Visual Identity, Evaluation of Branding Efforts, Visual Promotion Materials, "Cilacap Bercahaya" Logo, Consistency of Design Implementation, Regional Competitivenes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6428


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