Integrated Service Post (PPT) as a Communicator of Domestic Violence Cases (Case Study of Chracter and Atribution PPT as a Communicator of Domestic Violence Cases in surakarta)
This research aims to know how a cadre of Integrated Service Institution (PPT) in conducting the mentoring process for the victims of domestic violence by seeing the characters and the attribution of PPT as the communicator. Domestic violence is an iceberg phenomenon that becomes the concern in the society in which there are still many victims of domestic violence who are afraid to tell their violent experiences or even report it to the authorized legal institution. This research is a qualitative research which employs case studies method with primary and secondary data sources. The data is taken from observation, in-depth interviews, and documentations. The data are analyzed by using data analysis technique by Miles and Huberman.
This research is conducted to know how the character and attribution process of the PPT’s cadre as the communicator in conducting their mentoring process for the victims so that the cases can be revealed and reported. The characters of the PPT’s cadre are observed by using trait theory and attribution through the stages process of Perception of Action, Judgement of Intention, and Attribution of Disposition.
The result of the study shows that there are some PPT’s cadres who are not objective in conducting the mentoring process for the victims of domestic violence. It is because they are empathy to the victims after knowing the real situation. Besides, the existence of the blurred credibility causes the dynamic that are not in line with objectivity whereas objectivity is the element of credibility. On the other hand, the existence of empathy brings positive impacts in which it can help revealing the domestic violence cases experienced by the victims.
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