Implementation of Low Heritage Health Association According to the Law of Minangkabau in Nagari Balingka, Agam Regency
Inheritance is basically a legal event in which the death of a person causes the transfer of material rights and all assets owned during his life to the heirs who are the people entitled to the transfer of material rights and all the assets of the deceased person. Speaking about inheritance in Indonesia, there are several regulations governing the inheritance system that can be implemented, namely in the form of Civil Inheritance Law, Islamic Inheritance Law and Customary Inheritance Law. Regarding the provisions of the legal system used in inheritance this is influenced by the community group, religion and choice of law to be chosen by the heirs to determine the system of inheritance distribution of inheritance from the testator. Therefore, I took the formulation of the problem How is the origin of the formation of low heritage in Nagari Balingka, How is the role of the Notary in the implementation of inheritance low heritage in the customary law area of Nagari Balingka and How is the implementation of Pusako Randah inheritance in the Nagari Balingka area of Agam Regency. The research method used is the empirical juridical method which is a study in addition to seeing the positive legal aspects also see what kind of application in the field and society, the data studied was initially secondary data and then continued with research on primary data in the field.
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