Integration Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam Values in Historical Learning Through Problem-Based Learning
Sumpah Satie Bukik Marapalam is an invaluable great work for the religious, social and cultural life of the Minangkabau society. This great work has become the life philosophy of the Minangkabau society until it is still firmly held up to this day. Integrating the value of this local wisdom in historical learning is necessary to contribute in order to strengthen the nation's identity to students. In addition, it is also highly relevant to the important role of historical learning to apply meaningful learning and character building. This study aims to produce a learning innovation that integrates the values of local wisdom in learning history through a problem-based learning model. The choice of problem-based learning in this study is very relevant to the purpose of the model to develop the critical thinking ability of students, therefore, it can create reflective thinking. The reflective thinking process of students is also able to contribute to the character building of students.
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