The Effect of the Treffinger Learning Model on Mathematical Connection Ability Students Viewed from Mathematical Resilience
Treffinger learning model is one of the learning models that can help students to think creatively and connect ideas between thoughts and provide opportunities for students to be able to show their abilities, such as mathematical connection abilities. Besides the learning model, there are internal factors that become factors to improve the students’ mathematical connection ability, one of which is mathematical resilience. Students with good resilience are students who tend not to give up easily and are certain or confident in solving problems in the questions. The research type a quasi-experimental research. The data analysis technique used was the two-way ANOVA with unbalanced cells and post hoc tests using the Scheffe method. The population in this study was 8th grade students of SMP in Karanganyar district. Based on the statistical analysis, (1) There is no difference in the effects between the learning models used on the mathematical connection ability; (2) There are differences in the effects between the mathematical resilience used on the mathematical connection ability; (3) There is no interaction between learning models and mathematical resilience to the mathematical connection ability.
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