Implementation of Development and Supervision Against the Head of the Sub-District (Camat) as Temporary Land Deed Maker Official (PPATS) in Implementing Its Authority (Study in North Lampung Regency)
The problems regarding the weaknesses of the PPATS deed faced by the Head of the Sub-District as the Temporary Land Deed Maker Official (PPATS) are very varied. There are several legal products made by PPATS that either have deficiencies or are flawed. This study uses a sociological and empirical juridical approach. Sources of data in this study are through library research and field research; and the data used are primary data and secondary data. The samples in this study were 5 PPATS in North Lampung Regency, 1 (one) employee or head of the National Land Agency of North Lampung Regency, and 3 residents in North Lampung Regency. The results of this study indicate the weaknesses of the deed made by PPATS in North Lampung. There are still deeds made by PPATS in Lampung Utara district that do not attach supporting data for the deed; such as the identity of the husband or wife on the deed, the requirements for supporting a certificate of heirs in terms of transfer of rights, and the lack of signatures from the parties included in the legal act. The factors that led to the weakness of the deed stem from (1) lack of guidance and supervision of PPATS in North Lampung; (2) PPATS educational background which is not from a Law degree, so that legal awareness to exercise authority in accordance with the rules is very low; (3) lack of legal awareness of PPATS and its people to obey the law; (4) lack of PPATS knowledge in updating the latest information on PPATS authority; and (5) the many tasks of the Head of Sub-District in the field of Government, which cause matters regarding the Transfer of Rights to Land are neglected and often delegated to District Staff, so that the Head of Sub-District as the Temporary PPAT does not directly check the perfection of his authentic deed even though the legality of the Deed made must be an authentic Deed.
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Peraturan perundang-undangan:
KUHPerdata tentang Akta otentik Pasal 1868
Peraturan Menteri Agraria Nomor 2 Tahun 2018 tentang pembinaan dan pengawasan PPAT
Peraturan Pemerintah No 37 tahun 1998 tentang pejabat pembuat akta tanah
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