Ahmad Donish: Geograph and Traveller
In recent studies, Ahmad Donish, a versatile scholar from Bukhara, has been recognized as the “First Jadid”, the spiritual and ideological leader of the Central Asian Jadids. Ahmad Donish was well known in his time as a poet, painter, geographer, astronomer, philosopher, and politician. His life and artistic heritage have been studied and analyzed by many scientists. However, a comprehensive approach to Donish’s work has not been implemented, and his multifaceted work has not been fully evaluated. In particular, the travelogues, geography and astronomy of Ahmad Donish's work are almost unexplored. The geographical views embedded in the content of almost all of his works must be studied from today's point of view. This article seeks to analyze the works, activities and geographical views of Ahmad Donish, an encyclopedic scholar born and raised in Bukhara, the ideological leader of modern Central Asian geographers.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i3.2533
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