Impact of Enforcement of Community Activities Restrictions on the Community Economy in Kolpajung Market, Pamekasan Regency (Analysis on the Daily Turnover of PPKM Affected Traders)
Enforcement of Community Activities Restrictions / Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) is one of the policies of the Indonesian government taken in order to reduce the spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid) 19. Covid-19 has had a very drastic impact in various fields of life, such as education, social and economy. The economic sector experienced a very serious impact with the existence of this PPKM because economic activity was limited. In particular, traditional markets such as the Kolpajung market, which is the largest traditional market in Pamekasan, have also felt the impact of the PPKM policy. Namely, a decrease in the daily income of traders by 50% due to restrictions on operational hours, as well as the lack of visitors at the Kolpajung market due to the Corona season. The Pamekasan regency government has made several efforts to help communities affected by PPKM, among others in the form of capital assistance for micro-enterprises in the amount of Rp. 1.200.000.
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