The Effect of Resilience and Social Support on the Performance of Female Nurses in Mataram City Hospitals with Work Engagement as a Mediation Variable
This study aims to analyze and determine the significant effect of resilience and social support on performance through work engagement—this research was conducted at the Mataram City Regional Hospital. The population is all-female nurses actively working at the Mataram City Regional Hospital. The population is 246 people, the sample is determined using the Slovin formula with a selection of 72 people, and the sampling technique uses simple random sampling. This type of research is causality, a data collection tool using PLS-SEM Analysis. The results of the study (1) Resilience have a significant positive effect on work engagement. (2) Social Support has a significant positive effect on work engagement. (3) Work engagement has a significant positive effect on performance. (4) Resilience has a significant positive effect on performance. (5) Social Support has a significant positive effect on performance. (6) Resilience has a significant positive effect on performance through work engagement. (7) Social Support has a significant positive effect on performance through work engagement.
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