The Importance of Food Labeling on Food and Beverage Products as a Form of Consumer Protection (Case Study in the Canteen of the Catholic Elementary School of Santo Redemptus Pamekasan and the Junior High School of Santo Thomas Pamekasan)
The purpose of this study was to determine the form of protection for children at St. Redemptus Pamekasan Catholic Elementary School and St. Thomas Pamekasan Catholic Junior High School as consumers according to what is stated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, and to find out legal guarantees for elementary school children. St. Redemptus Pamekasan Catholicism and St. Thomas Pamekasan Catholic Junior High School as consumers according to Government Regulation Number 69 of 1999 concerning Food Labels and Advertisements. This study uses a combination of normative (legal research) and empirical (sociological juridical) approaches, where normative legal research is carried out by conducting library research or document studies on written regulations, namely Law Number 8 of 1999 and Government Regulation Number 69 of 1999. Meanwhile Empirical legal research is carried out by field research through observation and questionnaires. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the canteen management of St. Redemptus Pamekasan Catholic Elementary School and St. Thomas Pamekasan Catholic Junior High School adhered to Law No. 8 of 1999 and Government Regulation No. 69 of 1999 Canteen management of St. Redemptus Pamekasan Catholic Elementary School and Junior High School St. Thomas Pamekasan Catholicism, in addition to selling labeled and unlabeled food and beverages, there is a canteen manager's guarantee regarding the safety of the products it sells for consumption, an acknowledgment of ignorance about the Consumer Protection Act and Government Regulations regarding the inclusion of food labels and advertisements. and the ineffectiveness of the two regulations, and the final conclusion, namely Legal Protection for Students of St. Redemptus Pamekasan Catholic Elementary School and St. Thomas Pamekasan Catholic Junior High School as Consumers of food and beverages according to Law Number 8 of 1999 and Government Regulation Number 69 of 1999 Students St. Redemptus Pamekasan Catholic Elementary School and St. Thomas Pamekasan Catholic Junior High School in responding to legal protection for them as consumers, namely 48.8% prioritized good taste in food and beverage products rather than product safety (47.9%); as much as 83.7% they paid attention to the label on the expiration time; 13.5% paid attention to the name of the product and the list of ingredients used; while 33% paid attention to the name and address of the producer; there are 91.1% do not buy the product if it is detrimental and 8.9% will sue; as much as 74.0% said they were not aware of the existence of the two regulations; but 82.9% admitted that the two regulations were effective.
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