Differences in Sd N Joyontakan No. 59 and Sd N Cemara Dua Surakarta in Application of Online Ips Test Classmarker
Purpose of this study is to describe the comparison between SD Joyontakan No. 59 Surakarta and SD Cemara Dua Surakarta as an experimental group for developing an online IPS-based classmarker assessment. The research uses quantitative research. The research was carried out at SD Joyontakan No. 59 Surakarta and SD Cemara Dua Surakarta. Subjects in this study were fifth grade students of 20 elementary students in each elementary school. Data collection techniques in this study are questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using statistical analysis in the form of a prerequisite test in the form of normality and homogeneity tests and t test with SPSS 22. The results showed the data value of 0.591/ 0.592 was greater than 0.05, so it was concluded that there was no difference in applying the evaluation of learning by using classmarker applications between SD Joyontakan No. 59 Surakarta and SD N Cemara Dua Surakarta.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i6.462
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