The Adherence Form of Linguistic Politeness in Learning Indonesian for Foreign Speakers
The adherence form of linguistic politeness in teaching indonesian to speaker of other language (TISOL) is the language situation between teachers and foreign students. The form of obedience to politeness is in the form of adhering to the maxim of generosity, praise or acceptance, humility, and the maxim of agreement. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The data collection techniques which used in this research were listening-free-participating-speaking techniques and data transcription. In this study, data analyzing technique use Miles and Huberman interactive model in the form of collecting data, reducing data, analyzing data, and verifying data. The results of the study found that there was a form of politeness in language which was seen from the four maxims of politeness, including (1) the generosity maxim; (2) praise maxim; (3) humility maxim and (4) the agreement maxim.
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