Effectiveness of Fleming Model Towards Mathematics Learning Achievement in Terms of Student’s Learning Motivation of Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 18 Buton Tengah
The purpose of this study was to determine that the Fleming learning model is effective for mathematics learning achievement when viewed from the learning motivation of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 18 Central Buton. This research is an experimental research, which was conducted on grade VII B students as an experimental class and VII B as a control class at SMP Negeri 18 Buton Tengah, semester 2 of the 2018/2019 academic year. Data collection in this study was carried out using research instruments in the form of tests and questionnaire items to both groups, to measure student achievement and learning motivation on flat building material, especially triangles. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analysis and inferential analysis and hypothesis test in the form of ancova test. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the Fleming learning model is not effective for mathematics learning achievement based on the learning motivation of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 18 Central Buton. However, when viewed from the influence of the learning model, the learning model affects learning achievement, this can be seen from the average student learning achievement before and after being treated, in the results of descriptive analysis of student learning achievement. Student learning motivation is high, but the learning motivation of experimental and control class students is the same, so there is no significant influence on student achievement.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i11.5586
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