Dimensions of Relationships and Meaningfulness of Philosophy in Language Studies
There is a close interdependence between language and philosophy. Language is essential to philosophy, both as a medium for transmitting ideas and as an object of philosophical research. Language needs philosophy to systematically evaluate language problems and find solutions. Philosophy is the attempt to understand and explain reality, values, knowledge, and meaning using logic and reason. However, language is a set of symbols used for informational and mental communication. Without language, philosophy cannot grow and multiply and without philosophy, language cannot reflect or criticize the human mind. Precisely, two basic concepts map the dimensions of philosophy's meaningfulness in language studies: philosophy as a formal object, and as a material object. First, as a formal object; it critically examines the nature, history, and purposes of language. Secondly, as a material object, it is a product of human thought and expression, shaped by the historical, cultural and social context of its society.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i3.5647
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