Analysis of the Implication of Factors Affecting Gen Z E-Commerce Users’ Financial Management Behavior
This study aims to examine the factors that can influence financial management behavior of Gen Z in Surabaya. This study used quantitative methods and was sourced from primary data obtained from 300 respondents. The characteristics of respondents include part of Gen Z aged 19-26 years, using fintech, and using e-commerce. Then the data is processed using AMOS 25 software with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The resulting findings show that financial attitude, emotional quotient, and financial technology have a significant positive effect. This is because a good financial attitude will shape good financial behavior such as maintaining savings habits as well as recording expenses regularly. Apart from having a good view of finances, someone who has high emotional intelligence will easily manage money and motivate themselves to achieve financial prosperity in the future. Not only internal factors, technological modernization such as fintech will also make it easier to process transactions, record expenses and pay bills on time. While hedonism lifestyle and love of money show a significant negative effect. This is because someone who has a hedon lifestyle will more often waste money on consumption so their money management will be bad. In addition, someone who has a high love for money will result to greed and materialistic behavior. However, the gender variable produced findings of an insignificant influence on financial management behavior.
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