Muslim Parents with Deaf Children: Religiosity and Resilience
The presence of a child brings meaning to family life. Children become a source of pride and happiness for their parents. Unfortunately, some children are born with disabilities and limitations. Parents of children with disabilities face greater challenges and difficulties compared to those with typically developing children. These parents need to exercise patience and dedicate more time to support their child due to the high level of dependence that children with disabilities have on them. Being a parent of a child with disabilities also creates a unique psychological burden. Therefore, resilience—the ability to endure and continue facing difficulties while caring for and raising a child with disabilities—is essential. Resilience helps individuals overcome challenges, and one factor that can contribute to building resilience is religiosity. The aim of this study is to examine the influence of Islamic religiosity on the resilience of Muslim parents with hearing-impaired children at a Special Education School (SLB) in Purwokerto, Indonesia. This research is a quantitative study using regression analysis. The population size was 102, all of whom were included as samples in the study. The results of the analysis showed a significance level of 0.168 (p > 0.05), indicating that the hypothesis of this study was rejected—Islamic religiosity does not influence resilience.
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