Improving the Concentration of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder through the Intensity of Lighting

Astrid Ghitha Fatharani


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a severe disorder of attention concentration, hyperactivity and impulsivity in early childhood that interferes with the child's development and functioning in daily life. A characteristic of attention deficit disorder (concentration) in children with ADHD is that they often have difficulty focusing continuously on an activity. This will affect the quality of life of ADHD children in the future. Basically, human behavior can be controlled by controlling the stimuli in the environment (Widyastuti, 2022). One way is to modify the room lighting. Based on this, this research carried out a simple experimentl of lighting with different bright light strengths on ADHD child respondents. By knowing specifically what room lighting is appropriate to increase the learning concentration of ADHD children, it can help ADHD children to concentrate on studying at school and at home as well as therapy activities and other activities that require high concentration. This can help ADHD children to have a better life.


Consentration, ADHD, Lighting

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