Symptoms and Underlying Factors of Psychological Distress among Inmates in Bonga Town Correctional Center, Kaffa Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Mental disorders occur frequently in the context of incarceration. Imprisonment may lead to the development of mental illness, especially psychological distress. The main purposes of this study were to investigate symptoms and underlying factors of psychological distress among inmates of Bonga Town correctional center. Institution based cross-sectional study design was employed and 327 inmates from February to March 2017 were considered for this study. Systematic sampling technique was used to select the study participants. Data was collected by using a standardized self-reported questionnaire. Analysis was done by SPSS version 20. Multiple regression was conducted to identify associated factors. Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine gender difference on symptoms of psychological distress. The finding of this study revealed symptoms of psychological distress (being tired, being nervous, being hopeless, being restless, and feel depressed) prevail among inmates of Bonga Town correctional center. The level of psychological distress according to Kessler scale ranges from mild to severe and fell under moderate level of distress (36.69%). There was significant gender difference on the symptoms of psychological distress. Hence, female inmates were more distressed than male inmates. Bonga correctional center communities should work cooperatively with Bonga G/Tsadik Shawo hospital to help inmates who were at risk.
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