Communication Building between Islamic Boarding School in Surakarta: A De-radicalization Strategy
The radical stigma among Islamic boarding schools still becomes a negative opinion among the people. This is reinforced by a press released by National Counter Terrorism Agency, called BNPT, in which there are nineteen Islamic boarding schools indicated radicalism in Indonesia. For this reason, deradicalization needs to be applied. Based on the problem, this research aimed at finding out how to deradicalize among Islamic boarding schools. This was a kind of qualitative research using an in-depth interview to collect the data. The research was conducted in Al-Muayyad Boarding School, Assalam Boarding School, and Al-Mukmin Boarding School. The findings revealed that Al-Muayyad Boarding School had communication between leaders and Islamic boarding schools, and also there was the spirit of maintaining unity. From Assalam Boarding School, it revealed that it implemented the curriculum of the religious department and work a lot by writing ideas about radicalism in the media. While the representative of Al-Mukmin explained that there were many discussions with individuals or groups that were considered radical, increasing the source of reference so that not to believe in only one media but must compare to other media.
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